Swinburne University of Technology: eine eckige Wasserflasche erobert den Weltmarkt

Swinburne University of Technology: nachhaltige Wasserflasche memobottle

Mit ihrer Erfindung der innovativen memobottle treffen die beiden Produktdesigner Jesse Leeworthy und Jonathan Byrt nicht nur den ästhetischen Nerv der Zeit, sondern sie bekämpfen auch eine der größten derzeitigen Umweltbedrohungen: Plastikmüll. Das Produkt memobottle steht für eine nachhaltige, wiederverwendbare Wasserflasche, die herkömmliche Wasserflaschendesigns auf den Kopf stellt. So zeichnet sich die memobottle durch ihre eckige, flache Form aus, die an internationale Papiergrößen angepasst ist und somit bestens in jede Umhängetasche passt.

Mitgründer Jesse Leeworthy studierte Ingenieurswesen an der Swinburne University mit dem Schwerpunkt Product Design und fand in Jonathan Byrt einen wertvollen Partner. Zusammen starteten sie eine Crowdfunding Kampagne auf Kickstarter, um ihre Produktidee zu verwirklichen. Ursprünglich zielten sie auf $15,000 Fördergelder ab, doch der überwältigende Zuspruch für ihr Vorhaben zeigte sich nach Kampagnenende anhand einer erreichten Förderung von $ 261,000. Schon 4 Jahre später hat sich memobottle zu einem millionenschweren Unternehmen entwickelt.

Pressemitteilung der Swinburne University of Technology

memobottle takes its place on the global stage

It all started with an idea on a sketch pad. Four years later, memobottle is a multi-million dollar company challenging one of the world's biggest environmental issues. To top it off, on Monday 29 February, memobottle will be included in the 2016 Oscar Awards gift bags, given to all Oscar award nominees.

memobottle co-founder Jesse Leeworthy studied a Bachelor of Engineering (Product Design) Honours at Swinburne. It was during his four year course that he got to explore the issues of single-use water bottles.

Growing up in a coastal Victorian town, Jesse noticed an increase in the number of plastic water bottles that washed ashore.

"My passion for the environment and sustainable practices has always been a key part of my life, so I jumped at the opportunity to spend my honours year researching, evaluating and developing a solution to the problem," Jesse says.

Although Jesse came up with some good ideas, upon completing his degree he began working at Tricycle Developments, a technical product design engineering consultancy. It wasn't until several years later that Jesse decided to pursue the water bottle issue again, with friend Jonathan Byrt.

"To really break people's habits around single-use drink bottles, we knew we had to offer something that was truly convenient, beautiful and sustainable in design.

"Round bottles just didn't fit with our modern lives. So we decided to flip the equation."

The idea for a premium, re-usable, flat water bottle resembling the shape of a piece of paper was born. Fittingly named memobottle, the bottles were designed around international paper sizes.

In August 2014, after months of preparation, memobottle was launched on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. With a target goal of $15,000, the 45 day Kickstarter campaign received more than $261,000 in funding.

The influx of support showed that the slim and convenient design of the bottle was what people wanted.

"From the moment we decided to launch membottle and define what we actually stood for, Jonathan and I have been based in different countries. I was in Melbourne and he was in San Diego, California.

"We decided we did not want our own warehouse, shopfront or even office. Instead we have opted to create a purely online, automated business.

"Because we are not location specific, we are constantly travelling the world meeting customers and suppliers, while seeing different parts of the world. At the moment we are deep within the Arctic Circle on a photoshoot while managing a marketing campaign for the 2016 Oscar gift bags. It has been a very exciting 18 months!"

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